My full-time job is working in the automotive industry as a Senior Consultant/Computer Programmer, I am still living in a super nice RV park in an area where there is no chance of renting a building big enough to actually start building. So in the meantime, I do my design work. It appears that this company wants to keep me my contract “open” for a long time, so I am considering purchasing a home and building a new workshop. More on that another time.
Why another version? Easy… Version 3 was destroyed because I did not have the room for it and paying for another storage unit was just too costly.
Also, at Airventure, while talking to the owner of RevelAero, Jeff Kerlo, up comes new management of the Reno Races. Of course he was there to see Jeff about his new and need I say, amazing aircraft and the possibility of creating a new racing class for composite aircraft. Jeff brought up that Warbird Replicas had several designs and there were several already on the market, why was there not already a class for them? The answer was really spot-on when he said that the class would only be Thunder Mustangs and there would be nothing else. Nobody else really has anything in a would-be replica class.
So that is why I decided to make a Version 4.
Racing is extremely expensive, so I’ll build the plane strong enough to handle it, you supply the engine.
Let’s race!
NOTE: The image is copyrighted material for which permission was granted on 2/26/2021 and appreciation is expressed to the Artist. Thank you Bill Dady, your artwork is amazing!
Joseph Labert