Everyone who knows me, knows that I was once the Vice President of the Replicas Fighters Association, and that the President of the club is the founder of Corsair82.  Because we are developing the same kit at the same time, you would expect a rivalry.  Well, you would be wrong.   When I joined the RFA, I was as new to this hobby/industry as you could get.   People like Tony were willing to help.   As a matter of fact, I was living next to an Apple Orchard with almost no cell coverage when I called Tony to discuss building a bigger WAR Corsair when we decided a new design at a scale of 70% would be better than scaling up the WAR.   So that was how it all started.

One day in June 2016, Tony happened to be in the area of Ohio I was living in and he stopped buy with a little present.   He brought his canopy and windshield that he made for his 82% Corsair.   They fit was a little big, but much better than my WAR version.